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Andrew and Tam Macfarlane



My Story

I love Scentsy!  I joined on a whim because I love the products.  I'm a teacher by day, adjunct college professor after school, & a full-time Scentsy consultant.  I don't consider Scentsy a job...I consider it a hobby!  I'm absolutely loving my Scentsy adventure.  I can't express to you the joy I get out of making my customers happy.  I get so excited when I see the Scentsy boxes on my porch.  I'm like a little kid as I open them and get so excited going through all the products.  The best is packaging up orders and delivering them.  I'm so happy to have Scentsy in my life.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm not a pushy person.  I never want to pressure anyone to buy something.  With Scentsy, you don't have to.  Scentsy sells itself.  If you want to hear more or are thinking Scensty might be a good opportunity for you, let me know.  I'm getting paid to do what I love!!!!  :)  It's fun & easy...not to mention, the extra pay check is awesome!<!--endbody-->

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